Declare your eco-fees intelligently
Audit report
In-depth analysis of your eco-fee declaration processes
What is an assessment report?
An assessment report is an in-depth analysis of your eco-fee reporting process, conducted to identify possible information gaps, anomalies or errors.
Based on the information you provide us beforehand, first we determine if you are contributing to the right programs and are respecting their rules. Next, we conduct an in-depth analysis of your declaration process, including your item categorization, weight totals and calculation formulas. We perform a year-over-year comparison of your declarations and sales reports to check for any mistakes that may result in overpaying or underpaying the organizations.
When necessary and with your prior approval, we contact your suppliers to obtain additional information about your products and materials to make sure they are placed in the right categories.
During the analysis, we keep an eye out for possible product or data omissions in your reports and bring them to your attention in the final assessment report.
Finally, we look at your administrative process for managing eco-fees, to propose ways to simplify it. When the analysis is complete, you receive a comprehensive report tailored to your business, clearly indicating possible improvements and savings, with recommendations from our experts.